This PDF will print to any color office printer.
1. Print all but the last page onto heavy white paper.
2. All pieces should be trimmed with a ruler and
x-acto knife on the crop marks.
3. Fold the CD insert in half with the print outside.
4. Fold the small flaps of the tray card along the
dashed lines, and insert it behind the CD tray
after popping it out of the jewel case with your
fingernails from the spine edge.
5. Print the last page only onto a sheet of blank CD
labels from an office supply store. They should be
arranged diagonally not over-and-under.
6. Carefully peel and stick the label onto the non-
shiny surface of a burned audio CD.
Give Me ^^^^ or Give Me &f^&<C
by Patrick Henry 09:31
Read by Mark E Smith
The painting, "Addressing the House of the Burgesses '
depicts Patrick Henry delivering his famous "If this
be treason, make the most of it!" speech, declaring his
opposition to King George Ills
y^fc Stamp Act of 1765. A decade later,
p as evolutionary sentiments surged
*J5t m America, Henry declared "Give
me liberty or give me death!" to
the Virginia Convention gathered
at St. Johns Episcopal Church in
Richmond, Virginia.
Give Me or Give Me &^^<C
by Patrick Henry
Read by Mark E Smith
This speech was given March 23, 1775, at St* Johns Church in Richmond, Virginia, and
is credited with having singlehandedly convinced the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass
a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War. In attendance were
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Reportedly, the crowd, upon hearing the speech,
jumped up and shouted, "To Arms! To Arms!" (Summary from Wikipedia)
LibriVox: free audiobooks
LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and makes the audio files available via the internet. Our objective
is to make all books in the public domain available for free. We are a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project.
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Packaging was designed under the instruction of Todd Duren by student graphic designers at Pellissipppi State Technical Com-
munity College in Knoxville, Tennessee. Selected LibriVox titles will be donated to the New Orleans Public Library. Ten-
nessee Volunteers."Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" is by Patrick Henry and is in the public domain. CD package design by
Melissa Dos Santos, 2006. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial NoDerivs 2.5 License.
Please do not alter or sell this CD package.
Portrait: "Patrick Henry" by George Bagby Matthews (1857-1943). From
Portrait: "Addressing the House of Burgesses by Peter Frederick Rothermel (1817-1895). From
Prints on CD Stomper and other brands.